Parents Guide to Scouting

Your Expectations

Now, what's in it for you and your child? You can reasonably expect that your son or daughter will be in the hands of capable and caring Leaders who have a commitment to providing a stimulating and interesting programme designed to assist children to develop into self-reliant and responsible members of the community.

Scouting was started by Robert Baden-Powell to cater for children's sense of adventure and love of independence and to channel these characteristics into appropriate activities, which will equip them for later life. Leaders take the task of fulfilling the Aims of Scouting very seriously. We undertake every reasonable care of your child when you entrust him or her to us, and to do our best in partnership with you, to help your child to develop to his or her full potential.

We have all undertaken thorough ongoing training, and we give freely of our time and efforts to enable us to do this. We would not do it unless we were convinced of the value of Scouting in the lives of our children.

We hope that after your child has been with us for a short time, you will be likewise convinced.

Protecting your Child

Scouts is Australia's leading youth development organisation with more than 20,000 members and we do our utmost to ensure they are kept safe in our care. We have 4,000 adult Leaders and volunteers helping to run Scout activities who undergo thorough training for 6 to 12 months before becoming Scout Leaders.

Scouts has a "two deep" leadership policy, that is, two Leaders (a male and a female) is our preferred option, however this is not always.

It's reasonable to expect that sometimes due to sickness, or other reasons there is only one person present.

Scouts WA ensures that all of its volunteers comply with current legislation including the Working with Childrens Act. In addition, Leaders undergo police record checks.
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